Annual Report L - 2023: S Club 7, hose pipes, and the Leporidae

One good wheeze that I came up with in the late ‘90s was that, instead of driving tractors at harvest, I should instead learn how the grainstore worked. On the face of it, this was a good idea. The old manager, Dave Gould, had been doing the job for many years. No one else knew nearly as much as he did about the weird and wonderful intricacies that come with operating the Frankenstein’s Monster of a cobbled-together, decades-old, pile of junk that is our grain handling and drying system. In actuality, I had seen the TV in the mess room and figured watching that would be more relaxing than driving back and forwards to the fields all day.

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A little article about OW


Annual Report XLIX - 2022: Are we rich?