This was the weather forecast for today:
Luck I bought my rain coat, but could it really be that bad?It was speckling rain as I left Rosario, heading towards a darkening sky.Pretty soon "what pretty lightning" turned in to "this is quite heavy rain"[youtube=http://youtu.be/0C_65Uv-O4w]Not long afterwards we got to "Holy crap, where did the road go?"[youtube=http://youtu.be/wzwvC9tLRXo]You can't quite see it in this video, but there was a car stuck in the junction to the left - it had flooded. Some of the junctions had river over a foot deep running through them. Downtown Parana would be a great theme park if you had an inner tube.By lunch there had been 109mm, and outside visits were pretty well out of the question. But I did spend a few minutes in a maize field. One of the benefits of no-till is supposed to be better water infiltration, and on the 40% clay vertisol soils they have here, walking in the fields immediately after the rain was no problem. A good demonstration.