From Russia with photos

It's time to crack out the travel blogging again, but at this point I can't be bothered to write much, so there will only be a few pictures to look at.This involved getting up at 4.45am, battling with cancelled trains on the way to Gatwick, spending 4 hours in Riga, a night in Moscow - but 24 hours later we arrived:Screen Shot 2018-06-05 at 22.47.30The first field we stopped in was very black, very dry, and very sparse. Not a good advert for Russian wheat:IMG_E0532 IMG_E0533 IMG_E0534It did have one thing going for it however. Wouldn't it be nice if we had leguminous weeds like these peas, clover and vetch?IMG_E0539 IMG_E0537 IMG_E0536The next field was even worse. Heavily over-cultivated, there was terrible soil erosion on what was only a very slight slope. The sunflowers looked very sorry for themselves, although amazingly this isn't considered a write-off.IMG_0540 IMG_0541This photo was only a kilometre or so away, but the farming is clearly a lot better. This should yield perhaps 3-4t/ha.IMG_0549Confirmation, as if it were needed, that we don't work machinery hard enough in the UK. Some of these tractors have done over 20,000 hours, and they work 24 hours a day in 12 hour shifts on a 9,000ha "smallholding". This is one way fixed costs are kept so much lower than we can manage.IMG_0548The landscape is really unusual (for me anyway), and beautiful:IMG_E0554And to finish, an arty farty photo of a grainstore roof:IMG_E0555


Chronic Irrigation


WTFIH @ Thriplow Farms, June 2018